All Things Plumbing & HVAC: The Orange Coast Plumbing Blog

Need to know what’s an emergency and which problems can wait? Which problems you can solve DIY? The Orange Coast Plumbing blog helps you understand common plumbing, heating,  and air conditioning issues.

Leaking water heater

When a water heater leaks, it’s usually from one of the places — the top or the bottom.

Leaks from the top are no biggie, usually involving a valve replacement or tightening of the water lines.

Leaks from the bottom are more concerning.

A slow drain

Poor drainage is annoying at best and problematic at worst.

The problem never gets better on its own. Wishing it away won’t make it go away; you may end up with a complete blockage unless you take action.

The first sign of poor drainage is that it takes longer than usual for water to travel down the pipe.

Water may fill the sink, shower, or tub even when the drain is open or look different as it goes down.

A clogged pipe

Trees have vast and complex root systems reaching about a third of the size of the tree itself.

A tree seeks oxygen, moisture, and nutrients in the soil, absorbing them through feeder roots and root hairs into the primary root and eventually the trunk, branches, leaves, etc.

During a drought, tree roots spread out wider than ever. They hone in on your sewer pipe like a honey bee seeking nectar.

Even in a treeless yard, roots in sewer lines can be a problem. The roots may come from shrubs or a tree in another yard.

Unusual toilet repairs

Don’t try this at home!

Except that people have used these unusual techniques — and more — to fix a leaky toilet until they could call a plumber or run to the hardware store for a replacement part.

Hey, you can manage without a kitchen sink for a day — there’s always takeout — or a shower, but the toilet? It’s the one plumbing fixture you can’t do without, especially if there’s only one in the house or apartment. There are no alternatives.

An old flapper that no longer seals, a broken or twisted flapper chain, or a malfunctioning float can cause untold misery for our good friend John, so here are just a few of the imaginative, funny, and sometimes crazy things people have done to keep him in the game.

Low water pressure

A long shower is one of the best ways to end a hard day at work or to cool down after a strenuous workout. A hot shower on a winter night or a cold shower in the blistering summer heat can be reviving. But if your water pressure gives you no more than a trickle, […]

Evolution of plumbing

For much of our history, we threw waste out the window (if we had windows) and onto the heads of unfortunate passers-by.

So how did sewage treatment systems, specifically sewer lines and pipes, evolve?

Cracks from a leak

Most Southern California homes sit on a concrete slab foundation. Much of their plumbing runs directly through pipes in the slab.

If this sounds like the recipe for a plumbing disaster, it can be. Leaks in the slab are difficult to detect and even harder to repair.

DIY plumbing

There are smart DIYers, and others who are — well, we won’t say it. The smart ones know their limitations. DIY plumbing repairs done right can save you a wheelbarrow of money. DIY repairs done wrong can lead to a costly emergency visit from the plumber. Worse, they can devalue your home and cause major […]

Chemical drain cleaner

Chemical drain cleaners are a go-to DIY plumbing solution for homeowners with blocked or slow drains.

However, they come with risks and can damage your pipes and septic systems if you don’t know what you’re doing.

A hot water recirculation system moves heated water around your plumbing so that it arrives in a fraction of the time.

At the heart of it is a recirculation pump installed on your water heater. It pumps heated water from the heater directly to plumbing fixtures. When the water in your pipes begins to cool, the pump kicks in and sends it back to the water heater to be reheated and recirculated.

The system includes a bypass valve, allowing you to control how much hot water goes into your plumbing and when the pump turns on. You can turn off the recirculation and save energy if you’re away from home.

A burst pipe

A plumbing disaster, if you’ve ever experienced one, is unforgettable. Even traumatic.

Imagine your panic when the living room floods at 10 PM and the shut-off valve fails to stop the flow. Many plumbers offer 24-hour service. Still, they may not arrive in time to prevent damage to your furniture and walls.

Dynamite in toy toilet

Toilets clog for all kinds of reasons.

Sometimes, it seems like they clog out of spite.

More likely, someone put too much paper in the bowl, or the sewer pipe is getting long in the tooth and working at reduced capacity.

Most toilet clogs are minor and need nothing more than a DIY repair. But you need the right tools and knowledge for the job.